Vital Perspectives
Vital Perspectives
on returning to nature

about me


Raised on dirt pills and tinctures, crystal pillows and poultices, my journey through wellness began at birth. Brought up by a mother who spent her 30s working at an alternative LA health clinic, forced to relocate to London due to “external pressures”, I never stood a chance at walking a conventional and standard path.

From the very beginning, I remember feeling connected to nature, to the bounty of our home’s wild gardens, to the sea, and to the sun. I’ve always been especially fond of the ways in which nature can transform matter into product that we can use to optimize our internal and external health.

Growing up, our home was filled to the brim with hundreds of essential oils, Western tinctures, Eastern syrups, homeopathic pellets, and herbal supplements. My mom shared her magnets, crystal bed, healing hands, and advice with everyone. And so, this all became second nature to me early on.

And that’s why in this ceaseless and tiring era of product-pushing, noise-making “influencers”, I’m making space for honesty. No ads, no fads, no frills, frauds, or phonies. Just simple truths, age-old remedies, and time-honored wisdom from people whose mastery has been their life’s work.

I hope that, wherever you are on your journey to health and happiness, these conversations and musings educate, empower, and propel you forward.